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These are the terms and conditions on which we agree to supply products to you, whether the products consist of goods, services, digital content or a mixture of those things. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before you place an order with us.


Once we have accepted your order, these terms and conditions will form a legally binding contract between us. If you do not agree with any of the terms and conditions, please contact us to discuss this before placing an order.


Who we are

We are H Akademy Ltd, a company registered in England under company number 09891697 whose registered office is at 72 Lairgate, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 8EU, England.


You can contact us by writing to the address above, or by email at


We will contact you by letter, phone or email at the addresses and phone numbers you gave us when you ordered the products.


How to book

You can place an order in person at one of our live events, or by post, phone, email or online.


We will confirm your order by email. Once we have confirmed your order, a legal contract will come into existence between you and us.


No Show Fee

We may charge you a no show fee when you place an order, even if it is an order for a free event. We reserve the right to forfeit the no show fee if you don’t attend the event. If the event was free and you do attend it, we will refund the no show fee in full not more than 30 days after the date of the event.


Price and payment

You can pay us in cash, by debit or credit card or by electronic bank transfer. We do not charge for handling debit or credit card payments. If you agree to pay for a product by debit or credit card, you authorise us to take payment from the card, the details of which are shown on the booking form, in accordance with the payment plan set out on the booking form.


If you agree to pay in cash or by electronic bank transfer, you agree to pay us not later than the dates set out on the booking form.


If payment is refused by your card issuer, or if you fail to pay us in accordance with the payment plan, we will contact you to ask for an alternative method of payment. If you have not paid the full price of the event at least 48 hours before the event starts or our product is due to be delivered, we reserve the right to refuse you entry to the event or to supply the product.


If you do not attend an event which you have booked for, we may deduct an additional GBP100 from your credit card to pay for materials which have been prepared for your use.


Changing your mind

You have the right to change your mind and cancel your order at any time within 14 days after the date we have emailed you to say we accept your order, but you cannot change your mind (even if the cancellation period is still running):


• if the order was for digital content and we have sent you the digital content or the necessary log-in details; or


• if the order was for a service, and we have already delivered the service.


You have no legal right to cancel your order if you change your mind after the 14 day period, but please contact us: if possible, we will try to give you a credit for your order or let you transfer the booking to someone else.


When we can end the contract

We can end the contract with you by telling you by post or email:


• if you don’t pay any money to us when it is due; or


• if we are giving you coaching and mentoring, if we think you are behaving in such a way that it is not practical to carry on delivering the coaching or mentoring service to you.


Problems with our products

We have legal duties under the Consumer Rights Act 2015. For full details of your rights, please visit the Citizens Advice Bureau website at, or see a legal adviser. In summary, your rights are:


Citizens Advice

Online free advice from Citizens Advice to help you find a way forward, whatever the problem. Our research enables us to campaign on issues affecting people’s lives.


• if you buy digital content from us and it is not what was described, fit for purpose or of satisfactory quality, you are entitled to a repair or a replacement. If we can’t fix it within a reasonable time or without reasonable inconvenience, you are entitled to some or all of your money back. If you can show that our digital content damaged your device because we did not show reasonable care and skill, you may be entitled to a repair or compensation


• if you buy services from us and the services are not provided with reasonable skill and care, you can ask us to provide the service again for free, or you can get some or all of your money back.


The presentations made and materials distributed at our events are intended for a general audience. We do not guarantee that the information provided or the concepts, techniques and methods presented will work for you or any other individual in their personal and business circumstances.


We will do our best to ensure that any advice we give you in the course of coaching sessions is factually accurate and appropriate for what you need, but we cannot promise that our advice will produce any particular result for you.


We are not financial advisers, and you should not treat any recommendations, suggestions or ideas we make or give you at our events or in the course of a coaching session as advice in relation to potential investments or the conduct of your personal or business financial affairs, for which you should rely on advice from your own professional advisers.


We cannot accept responsibility for the quality or effectiveness of any goods or services provided by third parties which we may mention or refer tot, and any decision to buy any such goods or services is entirely at your own risk.


Your choice to join in activities

While attending some of our events, you may be invited to take part in activities which could, potentially, result in serious personal injury. By booking a place at an event, you expressly accept and acknowledge that you do not have to take part in any such activity and that, if you do take part, you do so of your own free will and at your own risk and you waive any and all claims you may have against us or any of our staff or presenters arising out of any injury or loss suffered while taking part in activities at our events unless the injury is caused directly by our negligence.


Changes to course details

We do our best to ensure that our products are delivered as advertised or as arranged with you, but we reserve the right to change details of any product, including the timing, location, venue, content and speakers. In the case of events. we will give you at least 14 days’ prior notice in writing of any change in the timing, location or venue. We reserve the right to make changes to the course content and speakers without prior notice.


If you are unable to attend an event because of changes in the timing, location or venue, you will be entitled to transfer your booking to someone else or to be given a credit for the booking We will not be liable for any other costs or expenses which you may incur such as cancellation of travel or accommodation arrangements for attending the event.


Giving your booking to someone else

You can only transfer your booking for a product to someone else by notifying us at least 7 days beforehand.


You must not sell your booking to anyone else.


Using our materials

We own the intellectual property rights, including copyright, in any materials given to you in connection with the event you attend or any course you take part in, whether delivered in hard copy or electronically. This means that you must not copy or reproduce them in any format for the purpose of distributing them to anyone else, whether or not for payment and we have the right to bring legal proceedings to stop you from doing so.



We will store and use any personal information we may collect about you in accordance with our privacy policy, a copy of which is available on request or on our website at


Governing Law

This contract shall be governed by English law and either of us can insist that any dispute arising out of it is dealt with by the courts of England and Wales.

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